The Full Snow Moon Ritual

The Full Snow Moon Ritual

madonna full moon leo
The Wolf Moon Ritual Reading The Full Snow Moon Ritual 3 minutes Next Your Pisces Season Candle Horoscope

This month's Full Snow Moon gets its name from February’s characteristically heavy snowfall. This full moon arrives in charismatic Leo, so now is your time to soak in the moonlight and express all that creative energy and magnetism.

On top of this, the planets of love, Venus and Mars, make a rare connection in Capricorn while the full moon squares the lunar North and South nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. Let’s harness the energy of these astrological events to the fullest with a Full Moon Ritual.

Our Full Moon Ritual

Step 1: Seal The Deal

The meeting of Venus and Mars in Capricorn, the sign of achieving goals and ambition, signifies a confluence of passion and power. Take this time to focus on your long-term goals and finalize any deals or contracts that might be up in the air. Doing so under the 2022 Full Snow Moon can give them longevity and continual passion.

Step 2: Break Out

The squaring of this full moon with the lunar North and South nodes in Taurus and Scorpio will challenge us to leave our comfort zones. The North and South nodes reveal our karmic path in this lifetime, the South reveals our past lives while the North shows the new direction we’re taking in this lifetime.

As the earthbound Taurus North Node grapples with the more esoteric Scorpio South Node, we will feel an inner struggle between the physical and metaphysical, the digital world and the analog. With that being said, this is the perfect time to break out of your comfort zone and invite more creativity into your world. Find the sweet spot between stability and uncertainty when it comes to your passions.

Step 3: Be Bold

Leo is the lion, the hero of the zodiac. Leo’s seldom hold back and instead use their lions roar to speak up when others don’t dare. Embrace these Leo characteristics to take those next steps that might feel a little scary. Light up the Madonna Candle for some extra Leo inspiration.

Use this full moon in Leo to look inward and self-reflect on where you can improve in self realization. How can you move to a higher vibration? Where can you make bolder choices to do the right thing? Now is the time to do some light housekeeping in your world of responsibilities.


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