Your Gemini Season Candle Horoscope

Your Gemini Season Candle Horoscope

We're moving on from the season of the bull into free-spirited Gemini season! The airy Gemini twins are urging us to have double the fun, and just in time for summer!

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. This season will focus on social interactions and clear communication. Not to worry, this isn't going to be as intense as eclipse season, Gemini's air element will help us to go with the flow. 

Check out your Gemini Season Candle Horoscope:

♈ Aries (March 20-April 19)

Element: Fire 🔥
Zodiac Symbol: Ram 🐏

Mercury is in retrograde until June 3, until then, make sure you're taking extra time to communicate clearly. Miscommunications are on the rise, especially with some new friends that may be coming into your life later this month. Try not to act or speak impulsively. Instead, take a page from Gemini's book and lead with curiosity. This is a great time for you to practice your listening skills. 

We recommend a candle that promotes calm, airy vibes.

Candle Recommendation:

♉ Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth 🌎
Zodiac Symbol: Bull 🐂

You've got some changes coming, Taurus! You're usually one to adopt the "slow and steady wins the race" mentality, but Gemini season has you ready to make moves. A new opportunity in the job sphere is coming your way and you are ready to grab it. There's also some rumblings of new romance (or an ongoing relationship that will heat up) later on this month. Your Taurean instincts might want you to slow it down, but this is the time to go where the wind takes you!

We recommend a candle that brings the romantic vibes.

Candle Recommendation:

♊ Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Element: Air 💨
Zodiac Symbol: Twins 👯

Happy Birthday, Gemini! Your curious nature is amplified this season. This season is your chance to float around like the social butterfly that lives within you. Go new places, see new people. While everyone is trying to harness the beautiful chaos that is Gemini season, you are IN your element. Show them how it's done, Gemini!

We recommend a candle that brings the fun to the party!

Candle Recommendation:

♋ Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Element: Water 🌊
Zodiac Symbol: Crab 🦀

We're approaching your season, little crab! Gemini energy is urging you to embrace your psychic intuition. Pay attention to your dreams and listen to your gut, there are some messages coming your way. This is a great time to start a dream journal. You will want to refer to it when it hits your season in June. You may feel blown around a bit from Gemini's dueling winds, but don't forget, you can ride even the roughest waves with ease!

We recommend a candle that helps you tap into your intuition.

Candle Recommendation: 

♌ Leo (July 23-August 22)

Element: Fire 🔥
Zodiac Symbol: Lion 🦁

This season has you ready to be the social director, Leo! You're trying to reconnect with old friends and make some solid plans. Don't be discouraged if plans aren't coming together quickly. Mercury in retrograde has communication all out of whack, so patience is key here. Use Gemini's air element to fuel your Leo fire, this is just the energy needed to kick off a summer of fun!

We recommend a grounding and earthy scent to help promote patience.

Candle Recommendation: 

♍ Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Element: Earth 🌎
Zodiac Symbol: Maiden 🧝‍♀️

You're in work mode, Virgo! This is really nothing new for you, as you are always hard at work, but new career opportunities are coming your way. People are noticing your excellent work ethic and productivity. Don't forget to seek balance! While working hard is fulfilling for you, you also need to make sure you take some well-deserved breaks.

We recommend a candle that will help you unwind at the end of the day:

Candle Recommendation: 

♎ Libra (September 23-October 22)

Element: Air 💨
Zodiac Symbol: Scales ⚖️

Gemini season has you packing your bags, Libra. You have some travel in your future and it couldn't come at a better time. You've been feeling a bit restless lately and could use a new adventure to look forward to. We recommend finalizing any travel plans after Mercury goes direct on June 3. 

We recommend a candle that brings the vacation vibes.

Candle Recommendation: 

♏ Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Element: Water 🌊
Zodiac Symbol: Scorpion 🦂

You've been taking your time this year, Scorpio. You've learned that you do your best with the slow and steady approach. You may feel like letting loose and making a rash decision this season, but don't let Gemini's duality confuse you. Stick to your gut and take things bit by bit. You are on the correct pathway and you can trust your gut. 

We recommend a candle with a bit of mystery to appeal to your enigmatic nature.

Candle Recommendation: 

♐ Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Element: Fire 🔥
Zodiac Symbol: Archer 🏹

Much like Gemini, you tend to thrive in a bit of chaos, Sagittarius. As the seasons change, you grow. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family. You are blossoming a lot this year and letting go of things that have been holding you back. Make sure the people around you are supportive of your growth. 

We recommend a fun, summer-y scent for inspiration. 

Candle Recommendation: 

♑ Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Element: Earth 🌎
Zodiac Symbol: Seagoat 🐐

Really and truly, Capricorn, you've been through it. This may actually be news to you, because you rarely take the opportunity to give yourself a break and feel things, but you have been working incredibly hard and taking hits like a champ for years now (thanks mostly to Pluto being in Capricorn since 2008). Make sure you take some time to FEEL all the feelings. You need to work through some things to push through to easier times. Gemini season is going to ask you to be a little more social and to take a well needed vacation. Listen to it!

We recommend a candle that is an absolute treat.  

Candle Recommendation: 

♒ Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Element: Air 💨
Zodiac Symbol: Water Bearer 🏺

Love is in the air, Aquarius. Well, it could be lust, but either way, things are really heating up for you! Take a step back from the daily grind and enjoy some summer romance (or bromance, or showmance –  it could be any new, exciting relationship). This doesn't necessarily feel like anything too serious (although it could turn into that), so make sure to enjoy the summer lovin'!

We recommend a candle with a sensual side.

Candle Recommendation: 

♓ Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Element: Water 🌊
Zodiac Symbol: Fish 🐟

You've been having a lot of fun so far this year, Pisces! There's still lots of fun coming for you this season, but the focus is shifting toward family and home. This may have you a bit more in your feels than usual, but it's ultimately a good thing. Take the time to honor your feelings and embrace sentimentality. 

We recommend a cozy and nostalgic scent. 

Candle Recommendation: 

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