Meet Stephanie Fasi & Kerry Sutherland: Founders of Speak Wines

Bijou Candles | Entrepreneur Stories: Founders of Speak Wines

A business idea started by two friends (over a glass of wine, of course).

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With an abundance of new wine options these days, it's easy to get lost in the sea of red and whites. But one brand in particular stood out to us the most: Speak Wines.

Each label beautifully delivers an inspirational message that puts a smile on anyone's face. This brilliant business idea was started by two friends, Stephanie Fasi and Kerry Sutherland (over a glass of wine, of course).

We had a moment to chat with these creative wine lovers about what it's like to start their own business and how it all "wined" down from there.

Names: Stephanie Fasi & Kerry Sutherland
Ages: 27 & 33
Educational Backgrounds: Stephanie graduated with a degree in Integrated Educational Studies from Chapman University; Kerry graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a degree in Journalism & French
Titles: Co-founders

Tell us how Speak Wines started.

We were actually working when we came up with the idea for Speak. Specifically, we were brainstorming for a new client brand, and of course drinking wine for "liquid inspiration" — have we mentioned that we have really cool jobs at a PR agency? Anyway, during the meeting we thought, “Wouldn’t it be so amazing if a wine existed…” The name, Speak, was one of the first we said that night and it just stuck.

What does a typical day at work look like?

Kerry and I work together full-time at a PR Agency (which Kerry owns, K. Sutherland PR) and we also manage Speak on a daily basis too. There’s no such thing as a typical day, truly… We could be doing anything from coordinating a segment for a PR client on the Today Show, to handling our next wine import from Argentina with the government. We NEVER really have a slow day, but that keeps it exciting!

Where do you find your inspirational messages from?

We pull quotes for our wines through inspiration that comes from our everyday lives. Randomly one of us will say to the other, “I love this quote right now because it reminds me of my family” or “Omg, I heard someone say this to their bf the other day and thought it was so cute” and then we’ll write it in our iPhone notes under “new label ideas.” We’re super official like that.

Bijou Candles | Entrepreneur Stories: Founders of Speak Wines

Any advice for other aspiring female entrepreneurs who would like to start their own business?

Do it! Do it! Do it! Well, think about it first. Ask yourself, is this something that will be successful, and more importantly — why? If you’re confident in those two answers, then go for it! I think a lot of people doubted Kerry and I when we first launched. Especially people in the wine industry (since it traditionally has been a snooze-fest, old man’s industry). But, now we’ve been featured in magazines like InStyle, Us Weekly and on the Today Show! You’ll never know if something will be successful without trying it, but if you believe in it and are willing to work hard to make it happen, go for it!

Favorite items from your wine collections:

Stephanie: I’d have to take it back to the roots and go with, “Because when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing” from Collection 1! Collection 1 was so personal to Kerry and I, and I feel like those bottles really reflect the emotions we went through when we launched Speak. Watching your dream company come to life is really amazing, I sometimes have to remind myself to take a second and relish in everything we’ve accomplished. This bottle helps me slow down and remember how exciting this all is.

Kerry: Personally, “Love You More” is my special bottle because it reminds me of my husband and two kids. Professionally, “Meant to Be” has echoed throughout the office over the years. Not to sound trite, but I have to be one of the luckiest girls in the whole world. Sure, there’s a LOT of work that goes into my businesses, but there’s also been a lot of luck too. I never could have imagined some of the professional opportunities that have come my way… Some things truly are just “Meant to Be.”

Words you live by:

Stephanie: The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. Always remember that and use it to your advantage.

Kerry: Take a bet on yourself… after all, if you are going to gamble on anything, it might as well be you!

Photo credit: Violet Tinder Studios

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